Rare Spawns Give Loot Again Bfa Timer

Mechagon has several Rare Elites spread in the present timeline and in the alternate future timeline (via Chromie). Some respawn within 10-xx minutes. Others take odd respawn timers.

Some are extraordinary rare respawns like Bonepicker, and Steel Singer Freza. Some only spawn when a player summons information technology, or like the ane in Junkwatt Depot that requires multiple players to clear the area for a rare to spawn.

Some Rare Elites spawn only during a specific Construction Project. Among them, some spawn clandestine. The blue dots in the map stand for to hidden cavern entrances that are opened by Drill Rigs.

An easy mode to track your progress is the Rest in Pistons Accomplishment located under the Exploration-Boxing For Azeroth tab.

The numbers in the map correspond to the Rare Elite name in the table seen beneath the map paradigm. Clicking the Rare Elite name volition open a YouTube page in our channel (where available).

There is a full of 35 Rare Elites. Work in progress. This map will be updated as I observe them.

8.2 Mechagon Rare Elites Map


Click the name of the rare aristocracy to open a YouTube video in a separate browser tab.

ane. The Scrap Male monarch
2. Killsaw
3. Jawbreaker
iv. Arachnoid Harvester
five. Rustfeather
vi. Rumblerocks
7. Foul Manifestation
8. Crazed Trogg (When he says he hates blue, go to Bondo'southward One thousand and stand in front of the Rustbolt Spraybot spewing blue paint at 63.38 41.59 -- then return to Crazed Trogg. He will react and assault you lot. Aforementioned if he says he hates green or orange paint.)
9. Bonepicker
10. Mecharantula
xi. Armored Vaultbot (Kite him to Bondo'southward G at the yellow circle located at 63.27 38.78. Loot the gilded on the footing. Drops Blueprint: Vaultbot Key )
12. Mr. Fixthis
13. Steel Vocalist Freza
14. Seaspit (Drops Quest item: Pattern: Rustbolt Kegerator -- unlocks Rustbolt Inn)
15. Gear Checker Cogstar Killing mobs in Junkwatt Depot triggers a broadcast text from Gear Checker Cogstar. The more you kill, he updates the broadcast until he spawns)
xvi. Boilburn Drill Rig DR-JD41 (Drops Quest item: Pattern: Chip Trap )
17. Enforcer KX-T57
18. Ol' Large Tusk Drill Rig DR-TR28
19. Gemicide Drill Rig DR-JD99 (Thanks, Delgormo-Broxigar)
twenty. Earthbreaker Gulroc Drill Rig DR-TR35
21. Caustic Mechaslime Drill Rig DR-CC73 (after drilling at The Outflow 66.40 58.84, he is underground)
22. Gorged Gear-Cruncher Drill Rig DR-CC61 (after drilling at The Heaps 72.63 53.85, he is underground) Very Rare spawn.
23. The Kleptoboss Drill Rig DR-CC88 (after drilling at The Heaps 68.38 48.xiv, he is clandestine) Very Rare spawn.
28. Mechagonian Nullifier Minions that spawn when Drill Rig DR-JD99 starts (59.81 67.05) have a chance to drop Smashed Ship Relay. This is where Gemicide spawns. That item summons Mechagonian Nullifier when you combine Hyperbolic Excursion, a Transference Disc, and an Free energy Prison cell to repair the relay that summons him. It is placed on the Hackable Nullifier Relay (56.88 52.10) in Junkwatt Depot.
24. Motobrain Spider
25. The Rusty Prince (Only spawns in Future Mechagon)
26. Uncle T'Rogg
27. Paol Pondwader (unknown if Construction Projects are needed, simply he showed up during Flame Turrets & Reclamation Rig)
28. Fungarian Furor (Only summoned when Mylune is in boondocks with the quest "Aid from Nordrassil." Before completing the quest, search for tiny blueish mushrooms virtually trees in The Fleeting Forest -- near the western coast of Mechagon. Just that fourth dimension, the mushrooms can be interactive and clickable. Keep clicking mushrooms until Fungarian Furor spawns. He is a behemothic mushroom rare elite.)
29. Scrapclaw (If not available e'er, only when Jepetto is in boondocks or Rustbolt Armory construction projects is up, or a combination of both.)

Thank you to Athalax, for helping with spawn locations for T'Rog, Paol Poundwader, Fungarian Furor, and Boggac Skullbash. Athalax & Delgormo for Mechagonian Nullifier steps.

1. Jeremy Feasel: Mechagon ii. Mechagon Questline Videos 3. Pascal-K1N6 & Quartermaster 4. Mechanocat Mount
v. Summoned Rare Elites vi. Mechagon Rare Elites Map 7. Gift of the Dragonflights 8. Construction Projects Map
one. Nazjatar Questline Videos ii. Nazjatar Rare Elites Map iii. Nazjatar Battle Pets Map 4. Nazjatar World Quests
5. Severely Rusted Lockbox
i. Render To The Heart


Source: https://warcraft.blizzplanet.com/blog/comments/8-2-mechagon-rare-elites-map

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